Five Signs Your iPhone Needs Immediate Repair

iPhone Needs Repair

Nearly half of all the smartphones that Aussies use are Apple iPhones. It’s about 45% of all the smartphone users in the Land Down Under. It is according to a study conducted by Telsyte in 2017.

In total, almost 9 million Aussies use iPhones. In terms of satisfaction, Aussies complain a little about their iPhones. According to the Roy Morgan survey, most Australian Apple iPhone users have a good satisfaction rating regarding service and features.

However, this does not mean that Apple iPhones aren’t vulnerable to different problems. So, in this post, let’s discuss some tell-tale signs that your iPhone needs a repair. This post is courtesy of one of the most-trusted shops for iphone repair sydney has.

Sign #1

Your iPhone’s Battery Begins to Bloat.

If you noticed that your iPhone’s battery is starting to bloat inside the case, you must replace the battery as soon as possible. The battery should be disposed of properly and safely because it will likely explode if you dispose of it anywhere. It would be best to surrender the battery to Apple Service Centre or your preferred repair shop as they are the ones who know how to properly dispose of this hazardous object.

Sign #2

Your iPhone Suddenly Shuts Down.

There is a calibration problem with your iPhone if it suddenly shuts down even its freshly unplugged from its charger. In this case, you need to consult a reliable repair technician for smartphones that can fix this issue, particularly by re-calibrating your iPhone. Its system mainly causes the problem with the iPhone that suddenly shuts down. The technician will then check your iPhone’s system to see the problem and apply the needed repair.

Sign #3

Your iPhone Is Slowing Down (Older iPhone models)

If you’re using iPhone 6 or older models before it, you’re one of those users who have throttling problems. This problem is prevalent and common to older iPhone models, especially those running with the iOS 11.3 Operating System. The technicians can repair this by modifying the battery options and improving your iPhone’s peak performance capability. Also, another way to fix this problem is to update your system regularly.

Sign #4

Your iPhone Doesn’t Work If Unplugged from Charger.

Your iPhone automatically shuts down when you unplug it from your charger. However, the iPhone works when you plug it in back to its charger. The problem, here again, is the battery connector that causes the failure. There is an appropriate procedure that technicians apply to fix this problem. According to one of the most trusted shops of iphone repair sydney has, the iPhone’s battery connector must be repaired and reconnected properly. Otherwise, it would be best to replace the connector with a brand-new piece of the battery connector.

Sign #5

Your iPhone Isn’t Working Anymore After Submerged on The Water.

Water damage is a very risky problem, and it’s also the most common. So, last but not least on this list is water damage. Like all other electronic gadgets, iPhones are susceptible to major damage if submerged in the water. Immediate action should be done right after the iPhone was submerged. Soak it on uncooked rice, use a hair blower, and use other methods to dry the iPhone. Most importantly, bring the iPhone to a repair technician.


If you noticed that your iPhone is acting weird or has any of the problems listed above, you must bring it to a repair technician right away. DIY fixes are only applicable for minor problems, but problems like those listed above require a professional approach. It’s highly recommended to avoid DIY fixes considering iPhones, in general, are not your average smartphone.

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