Beauty and health CPA offers for Thailand Traffic

Health And Beauty

Nutra offers from the “Beauty” and “Health” categories are in high demand among women in Thailand. Although there is plenty of everything for men. Such offers are always available and are replaced from time to time with similar new ones. That is, the only concern of the affiliate in this case is to come up with an advertising campaign and creatives that will convert essentially the same product, only in a new package. Finding the best nutrition offers for Thailand can be easily found in the best CPA affiliate program

What is a Beauty and health CPA offers affiliate offers you all kinds of beauty and health offers to monetize traffic. In this case, the arbitrator receives payment for each order of the offer. The webmaster, who is also an arbitrator, generates a lead, our call center calls him, and if the application is confirmed, the web receives a fixed deduction for each offer. Whocpa allows you to find health and beauty offers for any source of Thai traffic:

  • Own website (SEO traffic);
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Targeted advertising;
  • Teaser advertising;
  • Social networks, etc.

Examples of offers from the categories “Beauty” and “Health”

There are a large number of drugs – adult drugs that are of interest exclusively to the male audience. These are various enlargers and means for potency. Therefore, for the first example of a well-converting offer for Thai traffic, we will take exactly the “adult” male drug.

Current offers in the Whocpa

  • Longex – capsules for potency.offer is designed for men 40+
  • CORDINOX – a means to normalize blood pressure.
  • OPTRIX – dietary supplement for vision. Designed for a wide audience of all age groups
  • Sinoflex is a joint recovery gel. Designed mainly for athletes and other categories with a high load on the joints

A complete list of the best nutrition offers for Asia will be available to you after registering for free on the website

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